Friday, February 8, 2008

Mom's 80th Birthday

Hi Mom and Happy Birthday!

I'm new to blogging and I imagine you are too so I hope this comes out alright. I just wanted to send along my love and best wishes for you on this milestone birthday. You look great and healthy and we're so lucky that you are still so active and involved in our family, your church and all your extracurricular activities.

I want to thank you for all the years of being not only a great mom but a great grandmother to my children. Not only have you set a great example for your kids over the years but I know how lucky my kids are to have such a wonderful example for a grandmother. As we all grow older we're so fortunate to have a person in our lives who sets such a great example of grace, appreciation, faith, compassion and care for others.

Ironically I had a friend a few days ago complaing about how difficult it was taking care of there 70-something mother. How this mother had suffered such a tough time raising her 3 children while her father was away at work, etc. and how it had just taken such a toll on her. I couldn't help but think about you: Your father passing when you were 12, raising 5 kids on one sometimes shaky income, the difficult issues with Dad's health....

How you survived, provided, went back to college, became a great teacher, was a caregiver to our father and grandmothers during there most difficult an incredible testament to your resourcefullness, selflessness and drive.

The list goes on and on of your incredible achievements. Through this life of yours you've taught by example: Love, Discipline, Perserverance, Compassion, Modesty, Leadership and many more of the greatest virtues and wisdom one person could ever hope for.

How lucky we are to have a mom like you!

Love from all of us,
Jim, Pam and the kids

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